the dialogue is below:
[2010/05/04 19:11] Susie223 Chun: http://sonny5258.blogspot.com/2010/04/cannot-afford-house-in-real-life-buy.html
[2010/05/04 19:11] Ding Atolia: it's a link
[2010/05/04 19:11] Ding Atolia: sorry sonny5258.blogspot.com
[2010/05/04 19:11] Ding Atolia: my story is so short...
[2010/05/04 19:12] Jessie Passerine: i'll be the reader
[2010/05/04 19:12] Ding Atolia: i want to focus on the good sides about the land issue in sl
[2010/05/04 19:12] Ding Atolia: compared with reality
[2010/05/04 19:13] Susie223 Chun: Many middle-class people who have worked fiercely for about 20 years get shocked when seeing their dreams of buying a new house breaking down
[2010/05/04 19:13] Susie223 Chun: maybe break down?
[2010/05/04 19:14] Ding Atolia: but i don't think I have expressed what I intended to say
[2010/05/04 19:14] Ding Atolia: ok
[2010/05/04 19:14] Ding Atolia: and i am really lacking in the background information about the land in sl
[2010/05/04 19:15] Jessie Passerine: well , after reading the article. I think buying an house in second life does not actually helo the situation in reality[2010/05/04 19:15] Ding Atolia: so what are the aspects are you guys interested in land in sl or house?
[2010/05/04 19:15] Jessie Passerine: it just offerred an escape temporaly[2010/05/04 19:15] Ding Atolia: haha good point
[2010/05/04 19:15] Jessie Passerine: in reality you still cannot afford a house[2010/05/04 19:16] Ding Atolia: I think I can add it to my story
[2010/05/04 19:16] Jessie Passerine: haha XD
[2010/05/04 19:16] Ding Atolia: and change my focus
[2010/05/04 19:16] Ding Atolia: not just the good sides but bojectively[2010/05/04 19:17] Ding Atolia: ruby
[2010/05/04 19:17] Jessie Passerine: and the first time i saw the title, I thought it was an add from the game
[2010/05/04 19:17] Ding Atolia: do you know more about the house building thing in sl?
[2010/05/04 19:17] Susie223 Chun: haha
[2010/05/04 19:18] Susie223 Chun: actually it's a good way to escape from reality
[2010/05/04 19:18] Ruby Lysios: The past two decades has witnessed an ever-growing rate in the house price. i think the grammar is strange
[2010/05/04 19:19] Susie223 Chun: not only buying houses or lands, but also the whole game
[2010/05/04 19:19] Ruby Lysios: you might add the subject "we"
[2010/05/04 19:19] Susie223 Chun: it's not strange, I think
[2010/05/04 19:20] Ding Atolia: I think it's a sentence structure
[2010/05/04 19:20] Susie223 Chun: because I once saw a similar grammar in a film
[2010/05/04 19:20] Ruby Lysios: allright
[2010/05/04 19:21] Ruby Lysios: it is a retreat for people in real life; they might but a resort and take vacation there
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ruby Lysios: i want to make money
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ding Atolia: yeah
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ruby Lysios: could we pay mortage to buy house[2010/05/04 19:22] Ding Atolia: haha. i am also interested
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ding Atolia: probably not
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ruby Lysios: down payment
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ruby Lysios: really?
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ding Atolia: ...
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ding Atolia: i am not sure[2010/05/04 19:22] Ruby Lysios: maybe you could search
[2010/05/04 19:22] Ding Atolia: ha
[2010/05/04 19:23] Ding Atolia: ok
[2010/05/04 19:23] Ruby Lysios: and you could encourage everyone has his palace one day
[2010/05/04 19:24] Ding Atolia: haha we are all princesses
[2010/05/04 19:24] Susie223 Chun: I want to try decoration in SL,XD[2010/05/04 19:24] Ding Atolia: yeah i think i need to search these kinds of information more
[2010/05/04 19:24] Ding Atolia: and show them in my revision
[2010/05/04 19:24] Ruby Lysios: and you could also kick out the person that you don't want
[2010/05/04 19:25] Susie223 Chun: maybe you can interview some peole[2010/05/04 19:25] Ruby Lysios: become a master of the land
[2010/05/04 19:25] Jessie Passerine: haha~
[2010/05/04 19:25] Ding Atolia: yeah someone who has owned one[2010/05/04 19:25] Ding Atolia: just like the guy we just met
[2010/05/04 19:25] Ruby Lysios: yes! you could add them friends
[2010/05/04 19:25] Jessie Passerine: so ding~ how to build a house?[2010/05/04 19:25] Ding Atolia: who drove away
[2010/05/04 19:26] Susie223 Chun: it's not difficlut to find someone with excellent decoration
[2010/05/04 19:26] Ding Atolia: i think he is really into his land though he is so rude...
[2010/05/04 19:26] Ruby Lysios: maybe you could go shopping and buy some furniture
[2010/05/04 19:26] Ding Atolia: sorry, J, i am not sure either
[2010/05/04 19:27] Ding Atolia: i will search more
[2010/05/04 19:27] Ding Atolia: is there a second-hand store in sl[2010/05/04 19:27] Ding Atolia: i mean second-hand stores haha there must be some
[2010/05/04 19:28] Ding Atolia: so we can save money
[2010/05/04 19:28] Susie223 Chun: yes ,there should be
[2010/05/04 19:28] Ruby Lysios: but people may nor know if the thing is used[2010/05/04 19:28] Ruby Lysios: that makes no difference
[2010/05/04 19:28] Jessie Passerine: ok~ your essay aroused my curiosity in buying and building houses in sl. maybe you can add it in your story[2010/05/04 19:29] Jessie Passerine: some further information
[2010/05/04 19:29] Ruby Lysios: i expect to know too
[2010/05/04 19:29] Ding Atolia: you mean in sl, we cannot check an object-whether it's new or old
[2010/05/04 19:29] Ding Atolia: ?
[2010/05/04 19:29] Ding Atolia: ok, I will do it
[2010/05/04 19:29] Ruby Lysios: whether it's new or old makes no difference[2010/05/04 19:29] Susie223 Chun: yes, they are all virtua
l[2010/05/04 19:29] Ruby Lysios: people might not aware of that
[2010/05/04 19:29] Ding Atolia: ooooooh
[2010/05/04 19:30] Ding Atolia: so the second-hand stores are useless[2010/05/04 19:30] Ding Atolia: haha
[2010/05/04 19:31] Ding Atolia: maybe we should call it throw-away stores-things other people don't want anymore but useful to other people
[2010/05/04 19:31] Ding Atolia: not throw-away exactly haha
[2010/05/04 19:32] Ruby Lysios: and maybe you could sell the things you do not want and make money
[2010/05/04 19:32] Ding Atolia: yeah that's what I mean
[2010/05/04 19:32] Ding Atolia: so all advice taken and i will make more efforts ha
[2010/05/04 19:32] Susie223 Chun: I see your point
[2010/05/04 19:32] Ding Atolia: any other suggestions?
[2010/05/04 19:33] Susie223 Chun: no
[2010/05/04 19:33] Ruby Lysios: no
[2010/05/04 19:33] Ding Atolia: or can we take a break now or at 11:00
My comment:
We are all curious about how to make money and buy lands to become the master. This week we were kicked out by the fram owner next to Mortu. He was so rude...but it seemed a special experience in second life.
Buying a house in secold life could mean a escape for us. In real life, we couldn't afford to buy one. In second life, we might decorate and design the house by our own and get a sense of achievement.
Sonny is encouraged to interview the owners and ask how they make money and what they feel about that. This could add to her writing and compare people's feeling of those house owners in second life and reality.