Do you want to become a sexy and lustful person in your life? Of course, you don’t need to spend big money to have a plastic surgery and worry about the pain or the scars. Even if you are below eighteen, just prepare your money and shop in the sex store for adults-only goods. By changing your body shape, you could satisfy your sexual desires with a sexual-looking shape and attract people no matter you are heterosexual, gay or lesbian.
In real life, because of the gender dualism, we are born in male or female; we have no choice but become and ask to behave like a man or woman. Nowadays, people begin to rethink if the boundary of gender is necessary, unbreakable and de-sexualized has its meaning because more and more people find out that they have different sexual tendency. However, in second life, we never have to worry about the controversial issue. According to your feelings, you could decide whether you want to be a man or woman today. You have the freedom to have sexual behavior with another avatar when you get his or her permission. The avatar is animated and some people would get excited which might be equal to watching lustful pornography; the different situation is that you are the main character.
In real life, because of the gender dualism, we are born in male or female; we have no choice but become and ask to behave like a man or woman. Nowadays, people begin to rethink if the boundary of gender is necessary, unbreakable and de-sexualized has its meaning because more and more people find out that they have different sexual tendency. However, in second life, we never have to worry about the controversial issue. According to your feelings, you could decide whether you want to be a man or woman today. You have the freedom to have sexual behavior with another avatar when you get his or her permission. The avatar is animated and some people would get excited which might be equal to watching lustful pornography; the different situation is that you are the main character.
I visit “The Trister gay bar” and find it is very incredible and surprising. People feel free to have sex with each other in public space. Being polite, a person even invites me to a private space and asks me if I am willing to have sexual behavior with him. He also hopes that I could be naked to make him excited. Even though I refuse him, he is still very kind and respects me. I also notice that other people in the bar are half-naked and have good body shape. It seems that in second life, people don’t have to worry and think about the moral issues, responsibilities, burdens of love and relationships to think whether making love is proper or not. It happens naturally in second life.
However, in real life, we might not have the chance to visit a gay bar or pub. Some people might think it is dangerous. But in second life, you could have your own choice to visit there and express your sexual tendencies and desires freely and contently which might make us feel more confident in real life!
However, in real life, we might not have the chance to visit a gay bar or pub. Some people might think it is dangerous. But in second life, you could have your own choice to visit there and express your sexual tendencies and desires freely and contently which might make us feel more confident in real life!