Interview place: Transgender Resource Center in SL
Emily Spieler: I’m 45 in August. I think that TG is the most narccistic group on earth .In SL I just stick to people and not worry what tag they have or think they have .My point is that we go through some issues that are not very easy to understand even for some of us. And August is my 2 yr anni for coming out, and that 1st year of marraige went by fast too
Belunar Drake: I am a MTF person, hermaphrodite mentally and spiritually. If your looking at SL instead of TG, that’s a bit different…I consider SL to be a way to socialise, a way to be creative when the mood strikes, maybe at times a way to relax when I’m not in the mood to play computer or console games…I feel more accepted here than I do IRL at times; people seem less likely to judge here than RL. Sometimes I feel that it is because the average person on this planet is ignorant, closed minded, intolerant of anything outside of average
Mnemi Falodir: I am TG in real life; but I won’t emphasize and say I’m also a TG in SL. Of course, I feel more relaxed in TG Resources or some clubs because I could meet friends they are the same as me and get some advice. I am essentially a woman who unfortunately was born male genetically. Real life is often tough on us, more so than the so called average public. We are an unaccepted unique class of people which are often wrongfully treated. SL we can be who we were meant to without ever receiving the hardships. Plus, if someone has an issue with me, I love the ability to mute. I am accepted here, irl people would rather I not exist. The majority of us just wanna be seen as normal, feel normal, society doesn't want that. TG is a term for all people with gender related issues not trans specifically. It's not how someone will look at me, so much is how I am treated and potentially abused. In my case my unacceptance by which my family refuses to accept what is and their attempt to "cure" the virus. Imagine if someone were to tell you, you were a guy, and you had to marry a woman, be a man, join the military, or be casted out.
Through this interview I found that TG group are very friendly to answer my questions. But when asking questions, sometimes we should be very careful...
For one example, I talked to one TG friend that parents all wanted their children to be normal. Then she argued what the definiton of "normal" is with me. I think it is still very difficult to stand in the shoes of them because I am not a transgender person and all I can do is try to realize them and respect them. After all, I think we should all treat those people friendly and don't criticize them harshly and respect their own choices.
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